Placid Lakes Baptist Church116 Cleveland Ave. N.E.
Lake Placid, Florida 33852
Phone (863)465-5126
Updated Announcements
A very big thank you to all who donated, loaded and unloaded, organized, and worked during the yard sale and after! What a huge amount of work and so many of you pitched in to help. We collected several thousand dollars to go towards our new all-purpose building!! You all are awesome!!!!

Weekly Bulletin Information

Our financial report for the week of January 26th is as follows:
Offerings Received $ 3,972.00
Weekly Budget $ 5,051.65
Received YTD $ 23,975.00
Budgeted YTD $ 20,206.60

Weekly Attendance:
- Sunday School 56
- Morning Worship 145
- Online Views 422
- Prayer Meeting 41
- TeamKID 34
- Fearless 11

Childrens Church and Nursery Workers:
Sun. 02/02 Wendy Spain & Ellise Mills
Sun. 02/05 Alma Estridge
Sun. 02/09 Patsy Moat & Malachi Millerd
Sun. 02/12 Angie Dale
Children's Church:
Sun. 02/02 Andria Lyter & Alli Barrera
Sun. 02/09 Beth & Sheala Jackson

Security Team:
February: John Estridge, Bill Moat & JD Reed
Alternate/Fill in: Johnny Parker
Please make note:
If you are serving in any ministry of the church (children's church, nursery, security team, etc.) please find a replacement if you will be absent during your time of service. Please contact the person serving before or after your scheduled time to exchange times with them.
Thank you for serving!
Special Events and/or Occasions

On Sunday, February 16th beginning at 6 p.m. we will be hosting a family movie night. Choppa Moore from The Chop House will be here with his food truck. Chop will have a limited menu which will be available soon. We will be watching Disciples in the Moonlight, this will be an outdoor movie so please bring a chair and blanket. We look forward to having a fun, family-friendly evening with all of you! Mark you calendars!!

“Breaking Bread”
We are beginning a once-a-month lunch group called “Breaking Bread” at GC Grill House. This will occur on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 11:00 a.m.
This group is to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries and to fellowship with each other. All are invited!
A sign-up sheet will be in the vestibule so as to allow us to give GC an estimate of how many to expect.
If you need a ride to these lunches please contact the church office to arrange for a ride.
Hope to see you all there!
FEARLESS!-Youth Ministry
Fearless is every Wednesday evening beginning with dinner at 5:15 p.m.

TeamKID News
TeamKID is for clubbers age 4 (by 9-1-23) through 5th grade.
5:15-5:45 p.m. Dinner (families are welcome)
5:45-7:00 p.m. TeamKID meet to do games, music, bible, crafts, missions, serving others, etc.
(TeamKID meets every Wednesday, following the Highlands County School Board calendar.)
For more information please call the office at 863-465-5126.
January: Special Event for 75% attendance, memory work and effort!!
January 8th: TK Store #2
January 15th: Friendship night--bring a friend that's missed 3 weeks and get 10 points.
January 22nd: Double Points Night
January 29th: Zoo Night--bring your favorite stuffed animal and earn 10 points.
February 5th: Regular Meeting
February 12th: Regular Meeting
Women's Ministry
Women at the Well:

Women at the Well Schedule for 2025
January 26th: Lesson #1
February 2nd: Lesson #2
February 9th: Lesson #3
February 23rd: Lesson #4
March 2nd: Lesson #5
March 9th: Lesson #6
Men's Ministry

The men meet every Thursday morning at 7:00 a.m. at the GC Grill House (formerly Golden Corrall) here in Lake Placid. Men, please come join in on a great time of fellowship and bring a friend or neighbor along as well!!
Online Giving

In today’s society many people do not carry cash or use checks to pay their bills, we are in the technological age with many people paying bills, buying items and transacting daily business online. We also have the capability for you to pay your tithes and offerings online as well! All you need to do is visit our website at and click on the giving hand in the top right hand corner of the screen. It will then prompt you to enter the amount you’d like to give and the frequency of that giving, you will then proceed to paypal to make the payment. If you have any questions or need any help please contact the office during business hours and we will assist you. Thank you for your giving and support of our church! We love you all!
Wednesday Night Dinner
Come join us on Wednesday evenings at 5:15 p.m. for a good meal of food and fellowship!
**Please note that the doors will not open until 5:15, this is too prevent any unsupervised children in the building until the leaders arrive.
Food Pantry
We have a food pantry located here at PLBC, we are partnered with Feeding Tampa Bay and Heartland Food Bank to provide for the needs of the hungry here in our community. The food pantry is open Tuesday from 11:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m.; anyone that is experiencing a need or unexpected emergency may come to the food pantry during these hours. We are blessed to be able to help people in need and our goal is to assist them during their time of need and see them progress in the future without our assistance. If you or anyone you know is need of assistance please send them to the food pantry or contact the church office at 863-465-5126 for more information.